INSPIRE Programs
INSPIRE (v) / to animate and enliven
Building on the success and enriched learning outcomes of the inaugural Inspire Creative Learning Access Program 2020-2022 which saw over 12,500 students experience outstanding live theatre performance and actively engage in the Arts curriculum, we are delighted to announce our next chapter which increases our connection across three locations.
Our INSPIRE Programs seek to provide opportunities for students and school communities who may otherwise not have the capacity to engage in high quality Arts experiences due to social, geographic or financial challenges. At the heart of INSPIRE is our desire to enrich engagement in the Arts for school communities and their students through live theatre performance.
INSPIRE schools are supported by our program partners in each location. Our INSPIRE programs enable students to experience Barking Gecko Arts through a variety of fully subsidised:
- Tickets to School Season Performances
- Financial assistance towards the cost of Bus transportation
- Curriculum-Linked Creative Learning Resource
- In-school Performance workshops linked to our School Season Performances delivered by Barking Gecko Teaching Artists
For queries in relation to inclusion in INSPIRE programs, please contact the Creative Learning Team
For queries in relation to supporting INSPIRE programs, please contact Adina Rabbone (Philanthropy and Partnerships Manager)
"Getting to bring our students to a Barking Gecko performance, and watch their reactions, is a clear highlight of my teaching career. For so many of our students this was truly a once in a lifetime experience...a wonderful, authentic learning experience that I never would have been able to provide for the students...I'm so grateful for our school to have been included."
INSPIRE Program Primary School Teacher
Bramfield Park Primary School
Carlisle Primary School
Dryandra Primary School
Forrestfield Primary School
Honeywood Primary School
Middle Swan Primary School
Moorditj Noongar Community School
North Balga Primary School
Seaforth Primary School
Swan View Primary School
Available to all schools across the City of Karratha.
Available to primary schools across the City of Kwinana.
INSPIRE Perth: Partners

INSPIRE Perth: Donors
INSPIRE Karratha: Partners

INSPIRE Kwinana: Partners